People make complaints and ask questions frequently, most persons go online to find things that could make them happy. Ladies especially always have mood swings. We are happy now, the …
Blog Posts
According to Wikipedia, Shyness (also called diffidence) is the feeling of apprehension, lack of comfort, or awkwardness especially when a person is around other people. Shyness is mostly common amongst …
Influencing people can be really difficult, to get them to like us or buy into our idea could be a really difficult task. These Ideas would not only help you …
It was raining heavily on October 5th at 12:43pm and I was going to attend GDG DEVFEST19. It was so heavy that all I cared about were my footwear and …
NIGERIA,Birth place of my ancestorsSalute to the soldiers and our fathers who foughtFor the future of our pastLiving us with something to hold on toOur Freedom We celebrate with a …
“Do not let arrogance go to your head and despair to your heart; do not let compliments go to your head and criticisms to your heart; do not let …
We live in an age where everybody wants a well to do partner. Every lady wants a wealthy man, a man that has a good apartment, good …
#7 REASONS PEOPLE CAN’T LEAVE AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP. #1. IT’S NORMAL. Most people can’t get out of an abusive relationship, because they feel the hostile treatment they get from …
Abusive relationships is not one that should be entertained or tolerated, everyone is priceless, limiting yourself to several relationships entertaining abuses from this guy and that girl is …
We live in an age where story books excite us like movies, unlike back in the days when our fathers were more into vanguards, newspaper or journals. Story …