I was going through a work online when I stumbled on this topic. I made some research but had same answers from different sources and I was motivated to write something different. Most of the 9 …
Blog Posts
People make complaints and ask questions frequently, most persons go online to find things that could make them happy. Ladies especially always have mood swings. We are happy now, the next minute we become sad. Mood …
According to Wikipedia, Shyness (also called diffidence) is the feeling of apprehension, lack of comfort, or awkwardness especially when a person is around other people. Shyness is mostly common amongst introverts. You always feel all eyes …
Influencing people can be really difficult, to get them to like us or buy into our idea could be a really difficult task. These Ideas would not only help you on how to influence people better, …
It was raining heavily on October 5th at 12:43pm and I was going to attend GDG DEVFEST19. It was so heavy that all I cared about were my footwear and my hair getting wet; I cared …
NIGERIA,Birth place of my ancestorsSalute to the soldiers and our fathers who foughtFor the future of our pastLiving us with something to hold on toOur Freedom We celebrate with a mixture of laughter and tearsNot forgetting …
“Do not let arrogance go to your head and despair to your heart; do not let compliments go to your head and criticisms to your heart; do not let success go to your head and …
We live in an age where everybody wants a well to do partner. Every lady wants a wealthy man, a man that has a good apartment, good job that pays monthly. Every guy …
#7 REASONS PEOPLE CAN’T LEAVE AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP. #1. IT’S NORMAL. Most people can’t get out of an abusive relationship, because they feel the hostile treatment they get from their partner is normal, most times …
Abusive relationships is not one that should be entertained or tolerated, everyone is priceless, limiting yourself to several relationships entertaining abuses from this guy and that girl is senseless. A child who grew up …