People make complaints and ask questions frequently, most persons go online to find things that could make them happy. Ladies especially always have mood swings. We are happy now, the next minute we become sad. Mood swing doesn’t actually last for days or weeks but for a few hours for most persons tho. Most times its depression, you can also read my post on Depression. These 9 things has really helped me alot through my bad days. MEMORIES BOX/ARCHIVES. I …
Blog Posts
According to Wikipedia, Shyness (also called diffidence) is the feeling of apprehension, lack of comfort, or awkwardness especially when a person is around other people. Shyness is mostly common amongst introverts. You always feel all eyes are on you. That’s your subconscious mind playing games with you. Shyness is a natural phenomenon, we can’t get rid of it for us INTROVERTS. We can only suppress it and make it seems like we are not. When walking you feel uncomfortable and …
Influencing people can be really difficult, to get them to like us or buy into our idea could be a really difficult task. These Ideas would not only help you on how to influence people better, but to win friends also and Improve your dealings with all the persons in your life. _ DONT CRITICIZE OR CONDEMN. One of the best ways to influence people is to give honest and sincere appreciation. When you criticize or condemn people they justify …
It was raining heavily on October 5th at 12:43pm and I was going to attend GDG DEVFEST19. It was so heavy that all I cared about were my footwear and my hair getting wet; I cared less about my safety, because that wasn’t my first time leaving home. I thought every day was just like the others. I ran out of the rain to take shield from getting terribly drenched. The heavy downpour finally subsided into a few drops, the …
NIGERIA,Birth place of my ancestorsSalute to the soldiers and our fathers who foughtFor the future of our pastLiving us with something to hold on toOur Freedom We celebrate with a mixture of laughter and tearsNot forgetting our hero’s who protected our futureFor dreams and aspirations fulfilled and those dreams that never got fulfilledTough now the presentOn this day, we remember our roots and what we stand forYour advice against corruption and greed our compass stirring us back to moralityReminding us …
“Do not let arrogance go to your head and despair to your heart; do not let compliments go to your head and criticisms to your heart; do not let success go to your head and failure to your heart.”― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart Criticism is something that is seen in our everyday life, right from Infancy till now and beyond, criticism abounds. If not properly understood, criticism can fuel alot of negative attitudes and behaviours …
We live in an age where everybody wants a well to do partner. Every lady wants a wealthy man, a man that has a good apartment, good job that pays monthly. Every guy wants a lady that is productive and intelligent. A man/woman can date several people over time, but would stick with one because they do not possess the attributes of their type. The list of guys you may be attracted to may not like you …
#7 REASONS PEOPLE CAN’T LEAVE AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP. #1. IT’S NORMAL. Most people can’t get out of an abusive relationship, because they feel the hostile treatment they get from their partner is normal, most times due to what they may had discovered from parents or several people they’ve crossed path with are just same. They believe a non abusive partner only exists in NOVELS or MOVIES. They have no slight idea of what a real relationship is like. #2. …
Abusive relationships is not one that should be entertained or tolerated, everyone is priceless, limiting yourself to several relationships entertaining abuses from this guy and that girl is senseless. A child who grew up in a home where the mother ir father is a victim of an abusive relationship feels that it’s the best, no other way to be loved and they entertain abusive relationships because they now feel it is normal. Most of these people are not …
We live in an age where story books excite us like movies, unlike back in the days when our fathers were more into vanguards, newspaper or journals. Story books seems to be the most read amongst journals. In this age, growing youths wouldn’t want to read the magazine, newspaper, listen to news, find news, read articles, study books that will improve and broadening their thinking, they did rather read story books. Story books are for entertainment, …