Excuses are just words we come up with to quit making it sound legal whereas its illegal. Most people fail to see that excuses are just conjunction of words to better us for the moment. Excuses sounds best to the person who’s making it up. You can only make excuses to the public, you tell excuses to suit their thinking, how do you suit yourself, you sit around, you nag, you say life is unfair. You made up …
Author: Harvey Vera
At 11:25am yesterday, I was at refinery road close to the mall at warri, Delta state. I was to attend a business meeting, and was in haste, just when I got to refinery road, it was blocked with sticks and palm fronds and women were seen gathered, protesting that they havent had power supply for more than a week, and they need power else no vehicle would be able to convey persons and goods from one place to …
Studying at night is of a great importance to our health and emotions. Note, studying not reading, they are two different words. Studying means to fix the mind closely upon a subjects ; to dwell upon anything in thought; to muse ; to ponder. To endeavour diligently ; to be zealous. When you return from work take up a book, story book, newspaper, magazines…..anything that could literally steal your attention from the present world. …
Relationship according to Rev. Respect karo is “Two people running a relay race into a ship”. I have noticed that in so many relationships there is no fun aside having sex. Relationship is not just meant for sex alone but for fun and intimacy. Relationship is a quick access to intimacy.It could be a friendship relationship which consist of : The casual friendship relationship and the intensional friendship relationship which might graduate into courtship relationship and …
For no cogent reasons you have been jilted by the one who has promised to love you forever. You just realize that the guy that has promised to walk you down the matrimonial aisle has turned to be a player and a heartbreaker. You have been used,shortchanged and dumped by the love of your life. If i tell you that it doesn’t hurt i am lying to you. Consider me a big liar if i tell …
WHAT IS RETIREMENT? RETIREMENT is defined by the english dictionary as ” The state of being RETIRED; seclusion. The position of ones life after retiring from one’s career. The state of being “RETIRED”, means double tiredness. School underestimate you by telling you, you are “RETIRED”. You are shut out of the company of the school system. Don’t live ones career, live your own career. Find your passion and purpose and live it. I’m not saying, when to your …
School has no practical relevance or material value, it bakes no bread. It wont help you acquire fame or wealth according to philosophy. It wont make you nicer or a more agreeable person. It would not endow you with a more desirable attitude or disposition of life. School Is not superhuman. School can feel irritating, It can swear and can feel pain like any other person. It doesn’t provide esoteric information on how to manage self or predict …
Date yourself before you date. Marry yourself before you get married. There’s this freedom you have when you are single. Date yourself, love yourself and everything will fall into place. You will never be able to date long or have a sound relationship if you haven’t dated yourself.many people would say, ” I’ve been praying for a partner but it seems God just doesn’t want to give me a partner” but the question is, how can you manage someone when …
NONSENSE People say in every nonsense there is a sense but from my own view, the more you listen to nonsense, sit, dine and talk with people that talk nonsense, you would only realize one thing, when you leave their presence, you copy their nonsense, you see yourself saying and doing the things they do. Now, what is nonsense? Nonsense is that that sense of sitting and doing irrelevant things, saying things no one can benefit from. Its a sense …
There’s one common attitude I’ve noticed amongst most ladies. They call that guy that can’t afford to give them the kind of life they want names. They tag them as “stingy”, “stupid”, “cant spend”. Don’t be quick to judge, wait and keep watching. You might have known a guy for a few months but the truth is you still haven’t known him much yet. Most girls throw abusive words at a guy who can’t afford the kind of …