DEAR NIGERIANSAfter a long terrific day, I pounderOn the struggle that faces the hustleOf every proper Nigerian. The image became clearer each time I pick upMy pen to defend my generation Corruption!!!a word gold plated in …
Blog Posts
Emotion is a person’s internal state of being and involuntary physiological response to an object or a situation based on or tied to physical state and sensory data. In this age we …
Procrastination is the act of postponing, delaying or putting off, especially habitually or intentionally. Procrastination is the enemy of our present activity. It is a form of stress relief. Procrastination makes …
Depression is a disease that has no physical remedy. Depression has no drug prescription, doctors cannot help solve it, herbal can’t help, miracles can’t work it, and your pastor can’t help you. …
We have the fire, pursuing it is a problem. At one stage we are certain; this is how I want it to be. At another stage we don’t know what we want anymore, …
Depression is no longer a feeling but now a disease of the mind and this is common all over the world. Most times its not fear, it is depression. We live in our past …