The problem is not the problem. The problem is your ATTITUDE about the problem _ CAPTAIN JACK. A leader has a attitude that makes him or her different from followers. Attitude is a product of belief. You cannot have a attitude beyond your belief. Your attitude comes from your belief system. You are born to solve a problem. Dont tell God to take away your problem else you don’t want success. Problem is what makes success. Without …
Category: Education is necessary but not the most necessary
School has no practical relevance or material value, it bakes no bread. It wont help you acquire fame or wealth according to philosophy. It wont make you nicer or a more agreeable person. It would not endow you with a more desirable attitude or disposition of life. School Is not superhuman. School can feel irritating, It can swear and can feel pain like any other person. It doesn’t provide esoteric information on how to manage self or predict …