Emotion is a person’s internal state of being and involuntary physiological response to an object or a situation based on or tied to physical state and sensory data.
In this age we live in, we let our emotions lead us. We feel with the heart, but never judge with the heart but with the mind. Because emotions are just feelings that never last long, emotions expires and we are either back to our senses or something else catches our attention. We get drunk and intoxicated with our emotions that our brains stop working until its expiring date. Emotions are like sexual pleasures that it is enjoyed until you climax, only then you are back to your senses. We don’t think properly when we are emotional. Everyone is emotional but it’s nicer if we don’t get drunk by our emotions.
Kinds of emotions that is difficult to handle.
These are the most of our emotions that is really difficult to control. I will focus more on LOVE, ANGER and JEALOUSY.
This is the greatest, sweetest and most deadly emotion. Love is sweet but once it fades, you either rejoice or regret. Love is the most dangerous drug, you don’t know if it will heal you or not, you just take it and get the reward later. Most love is faked for personal benefits. You love someone who can’t be of any help to you, someone with no vision, you are not meant to be responsible for the person, send the lady or guy back to their parents. Parents are responsible for their child. Your spouse is not your responsibility. Relationship is between two people, one has to support the other, when love fades you come up with complaints like, I never knew this was who he/she really is. Most ladies belittle themselves too much because of their personal benefit, If he tells you, he’s no longer interested, you try to force yourself on him, undermining the fact that he no longer wants you, you don’t plead because you love him but because of what you gain from him, “Faked love”. You tolerate all the humiliations because you don’t want to lose him.
If you don’t control love it would control you and it won’t end up well most times. Don’t date or marry for just love, but for vision and love comes with it. I heard a singer say “I don’t think I could ever marry someone who couldn’t sing, because it will kill me”.
In this age the desire for luxury is now an emotion. We are drunk with the desire for luxury. We end up dating money. I have noticed something about ladies, when they have their own hard earned money, they don’t have time to double date or love unnecessarily. Ladies are better than being treated as dirt, they deserve better but most of them don’t know that.
You know he/ she is the one when they fit in 80% of your list of your ideal man/ woman.
Jealousy ends us up as competitors. It makes us feel insignificant jealousy makes us feel we are no good. Jealousy is one big emotion that’s pretty difficult to control. Jealousy makes us HATE. When we start competing we feel we are backwards. It leads to desperation. You would be able to overcome this the day you realize you should not want to be someone else and realize that you are just the best version of you, competing is a waste of time. Jealousy leads to depression and it kills. You are not trying to be better you are only drunk with jealousy. This is danger alert.
Anger is a murderer. The worse murder is the words that come out of your mouth, they are like two edged sword. When you are angry you are compelled to say every bit of truth. Anger is very hot, you can’t stop it but you can control it
Feelings are a fever sometimes, if you give into the fever it will control you, control it by getting the drug for it and you sure will get rid of it instantly. Feel the emotions but don’t get drunk.
Sobriety is the quality or state of being sober, of not being intoxicated, of being grave or earnestly thoughtful. Especially in relationships, find a man that can support your goal, a man that you both have matching goals. That man that isn’t helping isn’t meant for you, remember you can’t build a man or change him, they change when they are ready. You can’t remain in that relationship and wait till they are ready.
Sometimes we must control what we feel no matter how conflicting, irrational or painful. Other times we just need to let the emotion flow through us without acting on impulse.
Couldn't agree more.
Hey, nice article but to be clear, your evaluation if love as deadly emotion might be erroneous to a certain degree. What are we if not creatures of love? I stand to think that the loves transcends the emotional plane (though emotion is an integral ingredient), it’s not all of it.
Emotional plane though